Water-based CET Method
shuǐ水 xìng性 C E T gōng工 fǎ法
Water-based single liquid PU material, water-based environmental protection, short drying time, simple and fast construction can be attached to a variety of material surfaces.
shuǐ水 xìng性 dān单 yè液 P U cái材 zhì质 , shuǐ水 xìng性 huán环 bǎo保 , gān干 zào燥 shí时 jiān间 duǎn短 , shī施 gōng工 jiǎn简 yì易 kuài快 sù速 kě可 fù附 zhuó着 yú于 duō多 zhǒng种 cái材 zhì质 biǎo表 miàn面 。
White weatherproof topcoat can be used on the surface layer to improve the reflectivity and achieve thermal insulation effect. Weathering life can be more than 15 years depending on crop thickness.
- 颜色多样选择,如选用白色,可反射75%以上光线,具隔热效果
- Various colors, such as white, can reflect more than 75% of the light, with thermal insulation effect.
- 可采刷涂、喷洒或滚涂方式,无VOC挥发物质逸散
- It can be brushed, sprayed or rolled without VOC volatile matter escaping.
- 施作简易、干燥快速,搭配夹层(玻纤、不织布等)可修补裂缝,具裂缝桥接功能
- Simple and fast drying, with sandwich (glass fiber, non-woven fabric, etc.) can repair cracks, with crack bridging function.
- 材料耐候,不黄变
- Weatherproof material, no yellowing
- 适用于细节、收边多的屋顶现场
- Suitable for roof site with more details and edges
yán颜 sè色 duō多 yàng样 xuǎn选 zé择 , rú如 xuǎn选 yòng用 bái白 sè色 , kě可 fǎn反 shè射 7 5 % yǐ以 shàng上 guāng光 xiàn线 , jù具 gé隔 rè热 xiào效 guǒ果
kě可 cǎi采 shuā刷 tú涂 、 pēn喷 sǎ洒 huò或 gǔn滚 tú涂 fāng方 shì式 , wú无 V O C huī挥 fā发 wù物 zhì质 yì逸 sàn散
shī施 zuò作 jiǎn简 yì易 、 gān干 zào燥 kuài快 sù速 , dā搭 pèi配 jiā夹 céng层 ( bō玻 xiān纤 、 bù不 zhī织 bù布 děng等 ) kě可 xiū修 bǔ补 liè裂 fèng缝 , jù具 liè裂 fèng缝 qiáo桥 jiē接 gōng功 néng能
cái材 liào料 nài耐 hòu候 , bù不 huáng黄 biàn变