PVC防水膜(Sika Sarnafil)
PVC防水膜为聚氯乙烯(Polyvinyl Chloride)高分子材料经压制而成之塑化合成双色膜片,中间夹有Polyester补强层,上层具止滑压纹,其表层涂膜具防污功能,不受紫外线及任何气候影响,为屋顶防水用。
PVC waterproof membrane is a plasticized double-color membrane made of polyvinyl chloride macromolecule material by pressing. Polyester reinforcing layer is sandwiched in the middle. The upper layer has anti-slip pressing lines. The top coating has anti-fouling function and is not affected by ultraviolet rays and any climate. It is used for waterproof roof.
wèi为 jù聚 lǜ氯 yǐ乙 xī烯 ( P o l y v i n y l C h l o r i d e ) gāo高 fēn分 zǐ子 cái材 liào料 jīng经 yā压 zhì制 ér而 chéng成 zhī之 sù塑 huà化 hé合 chéng成 shuāng双 sè色 mó膜 piàn片 , zhōng中 jiān间 jiā夹 yǒu有 P o l y e s t e r bǔ补 qiáng强 céng层 , shàng上 céng层 jù具 zhǐ止 huá滑 yā压 wén纹 , qí其 biǎo表 céng层 tú涂 mó膜 jù具 fáng防 wū污 gōng功 néng能 , bù不 shòu受 zǐ紫 wài外 xiàn线 jí及 rèn任 hé何 qì气 hòu候 yǐng影 xiǎng响 , wèi为 wū屋 dǐng顶 fáng防 shuǐ水 yòng用 。
本材料由Sika Sarnafil生產,Sika Sarnafil為全球第一的PVC防水膜專業製造商,提供完整之防水膜系統,超過50年以上的經驗與實績,至今已在全球使用超過3億8千萬平方公尺的PVC防水膜。
本材料由Sika Sarnafil生产,Sika Sarnafil为全球第一的PVC防水膜专业制造商,提供完整之防水膜系统,超过50年以上的经验与实绩,至今已在全球使用超过3亿8千万平方公尺的PVC防水膜。
This material is produced by Sika Sarnafil. Sika Sarnafil is the world's first professional manufacturer of PVC waterproofing film. It provides complete waterproofing film system. With more than 50 years of experience and achievements, it has used more than 380 million square meters of PVC waterproofing film worldwide.
Sika Sarnafil PVC防水膜通過英國BBA認證35年以上使用壽命,目前最久實績超過45年(Indoor Swimming Arena, Bienne 1964~),引進國內後亦已施作超過2萬平方公尺。
Sika Sarnafil PVC防水膜通过英国BBA认证35年以上使用寿命,目前最久实绩超过45年(Indoor Swimming Arena,Bienne 1964~),引进国内后亦已施作超过2万平方公尺。
Sika Sarnafil PVC waterproof film has been certified by British BBA for more than 35 years. At present, its longest service life is more than 45 years (Indoor Swimming Arena, Bienne 1964 ~), and it has been applied to more than 20,000 square meters since it was introduced into China.
This method can be used in renovation of roofs without removing existing roofs. It can be directly covered and used with rock wool insulation board. Concrete roofs and steel roofs are applicable. The subsequent maintenance is simple. The construction process is fast and the waste is small, and the carbon emissions in the construction process are minimized. 99% of the materials used in the whole system can be recovered.
本公司為Sika Sarnafil之專業施工廠商,依原廠準則施工,使用之防水膜及相關構件皆為Sika Sarnafil同一系統材料,原廠並針對所施作工程提供材料10~20年以上之保固。
本公司为Sika Sarnafil之专业施工厂商,依原厂准则施工,使用之防水膜及相关构件皆为Sika Sarnafil同一系统材料,原厂并针对所施作工程提供材料10~20年以上之保固。
The company is a professional construction company of Sika Sarnafil. The waterproof membrane and related components used are all materials of the same system of Sika Sarnafil according to the original factory criteria. The original factory also provides material guarantees for more than 10 to 20 years for the projects.
běn本 gōng公 sī司 wéi为 S i k a S a r n a f i l zhī之 zhuān专 yè业 shī施 gōng工 chǎng厂 shāng商 , yī依 yuán原 chǎng厂 zhǔn准 zé则 shī施 gōng工 , shǐ使 yòng用 zhī之 fáng防 shuǐ水 mó膜 jí及 xiāng相 guān关 gòu构 jiàn件 jiē皆 wéi为 S i k a S a r n a f i l tóng同 yī一 xì系 tǒng统 cái材 liào料 , yuán原 chǎng厂 bìng并 zhēn针 duì对 suǒ所 shī施 zuò作 gōng工 chéng程 tí提 gōng供 cái材 liào料 1 0 ~ 2 0 nián年 yǐ以 shàng上 zhī之 bǎo保 gù固 。
Sika Sarnafil PVC防水膜其他特點:
Sika Sarnafil PVC防水膜其他特点:
Other features of Sika Sarnafil PVC waterproof film:
- 通过FM认证(搭配岩棉使用)
- FM certification (with rock wool)
- 通过Energy Star认证,符合LEED节能要求(高反射率),搭配岩棉可大幅
- Through Energy Star certification, meet LEED energy saving requirements (high reflectivity), with rock wool can be substantially increased
- 降低热岛效应及室内空调系统
- Reducing Heat Island Effect and Indoor Air Conditioning System
- 依不同施工条件具完整搭配构件,斜屋面可仿金属屋面外观
- According to different construction conditions, the inclined roof can imitate the appearance of metal roof.
- 防水膜色彩多样选择
- Various Choices of Waterproof Film Colors
- 视需求提供专业之抗风力设计,并由原厂保证之
- Provide professional wind resistance design according to demand and guarantee by original factory
- 可搭配太阳能薄膜发电系统
- Collaborable solar thin film power generation system
- 表面可加铺止滑行走步道垫,便于行走、维护
- The surface can be paved with anti-sliding pad for easy walking and maintenance.
tōng通 guò过 F M rèn认 zhèng证 ( dā搭 pèi配 yán岩 mián棉 shǐ使 yòng用 )
通過Energy Star認證,符合LEED節能要求(高反射率),搭配岩棉可大幅
tōng通 guò过 E n e r g y S t a r rèn认 zhèng证 , fú符 hé合 L E E D jié节 néng能 yāo要 qiú求 ( gāo高 fǎn反 shè射 lǜ率 ) , dā搭 pèi配 yán岩 mián棉 kě可 dà大 fú幅
jiàng降 dī低 rè热 dǎo岛 xiào效 yìng应 jí及 shì室 nèi内 kōng空 tiáo调 xì系 tǒng统
yī依 bù不 tóng同 shī施 gōng工 tiáo条 jiàn件 jù具 wán完 zhěng整 dā搭 pèi配 gòu构 jiàn件 , xié斜 wū屋 miàn面 kě可 fǎng仿 jīn金 shǔ属 wū屋 miàn面 wài外 guān观
fáng防 shuǐ水 mó膜 sè色 cǎi彩 duō多 yàng样 xuǎn选 zé择
shì视 xū需 qiú求 tí提 gōng供 zhuān专 yè业 zhī之 kàng抗 fēng风 lì力 shè设 jì计 , bìng并 yóu由 yuán原 chǎng厂 bǎo保 zhèng证 zhī之
kě可 dā搭 pèi配 tài太 yáng阳 néng能 báo薄 mó膜 fā发 diàn电 xì系 tǒng统